Forever loving you

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Mix Description

Updated due to comments.
This was after a heart issue and i thought I’d write a farewell song to my wife just in case it happened sooner than later.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • I think the vox and the guitars have too much EQ on the high end, resulting in a tinny sound on guitars and “telephone” sound on the vox. The vox needs to be a little more upfront as well so we can hear the heartfelt lyric. Might first attack this by rolling off the guitars volume. I’d like to hear more bass presence as well.

  • It’s sounding good. I think that bass just has some super low frequencies . You might want to mess around with the hi pass filter on it. What does your channel strip look like on the bass?

    • It is high passed hard at 60 with a 4 db boost at 100, cut at 350 , a slight boost at 1.5K. The drums are high passed at 20 with a small boost at 50 to keep the kik clear of the bass. The master is also HP at 20. I thought that should do it so I’m surprised.

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