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Mix Description

I recorded this at home. I’ll be succinct:

Interface: Behringher UMC22
DAW: I’m still experimenting with various trials.
Automatically mastered on Bandlab.com.

Issue: The mix sounds like a demo or live recording, lacking ambience and energy. I would very much like to know what are the key aspects that are wrong.

I am particularly interested in knowing what’s wrong with the guitar tone, because something seems to be seriously off with it. Second, I’m concerned about the ambience of the song – sounds boxy, lacks depth and dynamics.

But of course, I would appreciate input on every single instrument and on mastering as well.

Thank you very much in advance!

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Cool song! I think guitars are pretty loud first. Second, they have that crunchy digital sound. You might want to experiment with a hi shelf to reduce that crunch and smooth them out. I’d also experiment with a hi pass on the guitars to reduce some of the low end mud and let the bass guitar fill that space instead.

    Also for the drums, the ride cymbal is a bit of an issue. Right now it’s a really piercing tick sound instead of a full cymbal sound. I’m not sure if that’s the compression only letting part of the transient through or if it’s the EQ. might want to look at both.

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