Amazing wall of power. The guitar melody is excellent but doesn’t stand out in the mix and carries so much value in it’s melody. The cymbals are really washing over the other parts and burying them. The vocals seem a little buried and need a tighter EQ to bring to them out from the guitar lines which share a lot of the same frequencies. Your 1kHz range is really crowded and some of the instrument voicings are being washed out.
Nice! The only comments I have are that the vocals seem a little buried and the cymbals/synth pads are creating a wash over the whole mix that is reducing clarity for everything else.
Amazing wall of power. The guitar melody is excellent but doesn’t stand out in the mix and carries so much value in it’s melody. The cymbals are really washing over the other parts and burying them. The vocals seem a little buried and need a tighter EQ to bring to them out from the guitar lines which share a lot of the same frequencies. Your 1kHz range is really crowded and some of the instrument voicings are being washed out.
When I do the low volume test, it seems like cymbals are the most prominent instrument in the mix. I’d bring down the cymbals/OH a bit.
Nice! The only comments I have are that the vocals seem a little buried and the cymbals/synth pads are creating a wash over the whole mix that is reducing clarity for everything else.