Amazing Grace

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Mix Description

Hi All. I hope this blesses you. I recorded the tracks in my bedroom studio. I played all the parts and sang. I love the Lord!
Thanks for listening

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Any song sung by Chris tomlin is a masterpiece so good choice and great voice you have! At the 31 second marker when you went back to the 1 chord on the piano it clipped a little and towards the end, bring the levels down a tad. Also, I would use a bigger reverb effect for the grand orchestral part at the 3 minute marker such as as open hall or something, not sure what DAW you used. It helps the sound from not being so direct in your face.

  • Love it. Nice job.

    Watch out for those edits at 0:38. The vocal breath got cut off. Also around 1:17 you can hear the autotune pulling the notes pretty hard. I agree with Stacchouse’s statement that some of the mids seem to be missing. It’s most noticeable on the acoustic guitar and piano.

    Beautiful song. Keep up the good work 🙂

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