Carry on v2

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Mix Description

Based on previous feedback I tweaked a few things a little.
Vocals recorded with a Rode NT1-A connected to a Scarlett 2i2.
Drums are Steven Slate Digital Drummer and Bass is EZ-Bass
Guitars are recorded with a Peavey Amp connected to the USB and guitar effects are actual stomp boxes
Plugins used are some stock (vintage EQ and and stock Compressors applied to the reverb buses) and many 3rd party from Waves, Black Rooster, Softube, Soundtoys and others

Zakk's Mix Feedback

Sounds really good! Nice work. Here’s a few thoughts:

– I like the gated reverb on the choruses, but I would probably automate a little more dry sound of the drums in on the verses.

-The vocal seems maybe a db or 2 hot at some points.

-the hi hat is a little hot. But it might just need a little hi end roll off.

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