Flowers in the Garden

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Mix Description

Progressive Rock. A bit in the style of Pink Floyd

Drums are Addictive Drums, recorded on an electronic drum kit. Base and guitars are recorded with Guitar Rig and Neural DSP amplifier emulators. Vocals with a Rode M3.

It’s been mixed with Cakewalk and mastered with Ozone 8.

Zakk's Mix Feedback

Drums sound good. The snare seems a little louder than the kick, but not too bad. The synth in the beginning sounds pretty thin, like it was hi-passed pretty hard.

On the vocals there is a high end hiss that comes in everything the singer does. Might want to add some smoother fades on it to make it less noticeable.

Digging the tunes though. Keep up the good work.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Drums sound good. The snare seems a little louder than the kick, but not too bad. The synth in the beginning sounds pretty thin, like it was hi-passed pretty hard.

    On the vocals there is a high end hiss that comes in everything the singer does. Might want to add some smoother fades on it to make it less noticeable.

    Digging the tunes though. Keep up the good work.

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