Here is something different. The stems for this song was provided as materials for a mixing competition that I had taken part, about 1 or 2 years ago. This song was a lot of fun to revisit and remix, and had me practice my volume automation skills, on all instruments, since I cannot rely on compression to smoothen out the dynamics of the instruments. Let me know what you guys think of this mix. I hope you like it.
Love this! I do agree that the lead vocal is getting lost a little bit. Instruments all sound great. Nice work.
Thanks. I appreciate that
This sounds good. The main vocal is a little bit under the instruments, maybe run it through a chorus on a bus and push it more through a compressor. overall it could use more glue in the mix. I like that I can hear everything.
Okay. I will look more review my mix and look into these ideas and play around with them in my next mix. Thanks