Oceans – Way 2 Deep

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Mix Description

This was recorded in my home studio. This is my first “rock” song – it has some soul elements as well. Let me know what you think of the overall balance and if anything needs to come up/down. Much appreciated!!

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Very cool ? my mind actually went more to jazz than rock lol. I can hear the hi end of the snare being boosted, but I don’t think it needs that much. It’s coming across a little harsh. Is the vocal supposed to sound a little lo-fi on purpose?

    Also, on the bass solo, I might automate some of the lows down just during the solo to prevent that build up.

    • Thanks! Yea, I went a bit crazy with hi end boost and will adjust that on a few tracks including the snare. I’m very new to mixing and production – can you explain what you mean by ‘lo-fi’ vocal? Thanks for your feedback about the bass as well!

      • Lo-fi is the sound of old recordings like the Beatles or anything produced in that era. They didn’t have the advanced recording gear we have today, so they might’ve let a little distortion through or left the vocals sounding really “mid-rangey” like a telephone. Some people try to recreate that sound on modern recordings to give the mix that old school feel.

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