Radionot – Empires (ScooptheMidsbro) 4th Story Sounds

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Mix Description

Fun mix. assistant producer: Owen the kitty ( he wanted credit) Let me know what you think!

Mix Feedback from others:

  • The bass guitar is either a 6 or 7 string. He gets real boomy on the chorus. I’m using a stabkick compression on my kick and not getting crazy with a modern boomy kick drum. That will thin out the bass guitar. Then if you make the bass guitar all bottom end? You’ll starve the kick. There’s a big notch filter for this song because of the amount of energy going on. You have distorted synth sounds that clash with the guitar distortion. The song is great. But it’s over produced. Then you have piezo electric acoustic quacking away in the chorus section. They should’ve mic’d up the acoustics. You gotta thin out the tracks in this song. You can’t mix all tracks full body sound and bring the tracks all unity gain with a song like this.

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