Stained Glass Summer

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Mix Description

This mix was done entirely in Pro Tools using Plug In Alliance plug ins, UAD plug ins and SoundToy plug ins. All guitars are tracked though a Kemper Profiling Amp. I played all instruments except the synthesizers which were played by my son.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Love it. So cool to have your son play on the track. The only thing for me was the kick sounded just a tiny bit disconnected because it was pretty dry compared to the reverby snare. Nothing major though 😉

    • My son is a Music Tech major at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. He offers so much and it is fun having him join me on my recordings. This song went through many updates as I was fortunate enough to have offer me suggestions. I will need to listen again and see if I can pick up on the kick drum disconnect. Thanks for listening.

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