Sunshine Baby

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Mix Description

Here’s one that I wanted a more classic rock feel but modernized dynamics. I went for that BIG, roomy drum sound. Drums are Superior Drummer 3. Tried to keep everything simple but also tried to use classic vibrato and rotary effects on the guitars, like old Zep tunes. I’m getting better at this stuff but I know it really shouldn’t take 4 days to mix a song! lol Again, all mixed and mastered in Cubase 10.5 Pro.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Very good mix overall. Almost has that 80’s hair metal sound and the slick production to go with it. The vocals have been very well recorded and mixed with good use of effects. Guitars lack a bit of attitude and swagger…too ” nice ” to sound like Led Zep if that was the intention. Overall the song is well mixed and recorded. Well done

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