Super Sleepy ver.2

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Mix Description

I’ve just uploaded the same song a minutes ago, and posting another version. I can’t decide which version I should go on mixing. This version has high pathed bass guitar on left and distorted guitar on right, while the previous one has crunch guitars on left & right, distorted guitar and bass guitar on center.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • I like this one because the vocal is clearer but I wouldn’t pan a bass guitar. I think I’d prefer to use the previous mix and pan the distorted guitar out of the center. Distorted guitars and vocals don’t mix well and I think that’s why the previous mix sounds muddy.

    So, the mix I like should have crunch guitars left and right. Distorted guitar left or right. And bass in the center with the vocal.

  • Domo Arigato Kudusia gaziamous…The opening guitar lines are a bit strong. This version has much better separation. Really like how your vocals sit in the mix. Bass could use a bit more “punch, esp during the chorus and at the powerful ending when you sing “mota”

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