Chelsea – Dragged Under

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Mix Description

This was part of a previous Produce Like A Pro mix contest that I never got to enter, and only got to work on the mix recently. It was interesting but overall fun to hear a professionally recorded track. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Mix Feedback from others:

  • I’m liking it! However it seems like the toms have disappeared? Did they maybe get left muted by accident? Also I’d experiment with a little more compression on the vocals to lock them down a bit.

  • Hi, what i feel is the kick louder then everything else, and you would need more automation for the effects to give the instruments and the voice the right depth in every part… more punch overall would be nice too… try a decapitator on the drum bus to make it a little more expressive maybe… at the end nothing is right or wrong just work around it and try to AB with a song you really thing is the way to go and try to match/equal…freq,Comp, effect etc don´t be afraid to try new stuff on the vocals drums bass guitars everything can be done in different ways… the end result is what matter in my version i use a doubler effect on the vocals for exemple to give this effect that you have liked on mine… just be creative… and mix as many songs as possible as more you mix more you find your way to do it … 😉 good look and hopefully i heard more songs mixed from you 🙂

    • I appreciate the feedback!

      I just got the Decapitator and used it on the snare, but I’m looking forward to experimenting more with it.

      I definitely agree with more automation on effects, I feel like I’m heading into that next stage of figuring out my tastes vs just being able to use EQ and compression.

      I’ll definitely be posting more mixes, I can see a ton of value in this website!


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