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Mix Description

Recorded at home, mixed produced by me. Working on what sounds good to me before i actually send out for mixing. Love to hear any advice. I also used Sonorworks, on headphones mix

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Good song. As for the guitars, playing is great. You may wish to use less distortion. I started using less gain and favoring telecasters for my crunch tracks. Less gain and the tele single coil provides more clarity and punch. The lead guitar solo is brilliant. I enjoyed listening to this song. I like the mix but would like to hear bigger drums.

  • Cool song! The drums are balanced nicely. I think the weak link is just the guitars. I’m always down to hi pass guitars, but for this song I think the guitars are too thin and not fully filling the rest of the mix.

    Sending it to anyone we’ve heard of for mixing?

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