Empire Radio Not GregoryAllen mix 1

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cpu was maxing out but this is my progress until i can figure out how to load more audio files into it.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Give me an email. I posted my info. I’ll tell you what mics to flip phase for the drums. The snare is thin but it’s not your fault. The way they mic’d up the kit. I have polarity optimization tool and I’ll give you the maximum RMS info and what tracks that are out of phase

  • Sounds good. I would recommend creating your own stems. Ping pong master takes you process into combined tracks. Example ” all guitars bounced into a track” this will alleviate the CPU because you no longer need the plugins or parallel tracks you used. CPU should be able to handle wav file playback without issues. From what you got to mix? Sounds good on my home stereo. Good luck in the competition .

      • I have a Neanderthal emachines 4 gig ram and 2.4 gig cpu lol. I get away with murder lol. Just be sure to optimize Windows if that’s your operating system. I custom setup my configuration to only load the operating system drivers and my asio and daw programs for startup. This stops background programs from running. Things like windows media player and internet connection type stuff. Just Google how to optimize your specific operating system for audio recording. I don’t even have my drivers installed for my computer audio sound card. Uninstalled the drivers lol. We use external sound cards. No need for The drivers running in background. Plus i was sick of the stock audio sound card coming up in options when making or changing interfaces. I use Harrison Mixbus and it takes it’s toll on computer power lol. But just research how to optimize your specific operating system. It’ll run way smother and startup fast.

      • Like i said before. Just pre process essential things. Like gating and flipping phase on drum mics and internal bounce on separate tracks so those plugins aren’t running. I use external gear and free up much computer power. I get away with murder. But before when i mixed in the box i had to pre process things i knew were going to be written in stone across my mix and internal bounce or freeze tracks to alleviate the CPU and disk drive to keep up. With The amount of tracks you got going? Your mix sounds good. Just keep in touch of you need any help with the computer issues. Massfusionstudio@gmail.com
        Fred is my name.

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