I Got Lost

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Mix Description

I would love some feedback on this mix, but also the song in general please! It’s a genre I’ve never really tried before – maybe electronic rock? I wanted to test out a few new VST instruments and ended up well out my comfort zone! The chorus definitely needs something extra. And, how’s the mix?
Ideas / feedback most welcome – thanks v much!

Mix Feedback from others:

    • Thx mate. Yeah that’s definitely one of the things not sitting right at the moment. It’s hard panned to the right, the vocals are in the middle for delay and reverb are slightly panned I think, was trying to give those effects space. Maybe bringing the synth nearer the middle will also make the vocals sound more in the middle too. Will have a play.

  • Vocals sound great. The snare is a little distant and muted. I feel like it needs some more crack and maybe a little less reverb. Or maybe a longer pre-delay. The only thing I’m not sure how to handle is that saw-style synth that’s sitting right under the vocal. I’ve never encountered anything like that before lol.

    • Cool ok thx mate. Think I may need some automation on the snare then? As I found it to be a bit harsh at the end of the song (last 4 bars ish) when everything else isn’t playing – so I toned it down a little. Agreed though, during the main of thE song – I’ll have a play. Yeah the synth. I know. I kinda wanted it to really be a main but felt I was running out of space! Maybe eq it a bit better and play with the panning a bit.
      Thx mate!

  • Vocal production is really nice, love the reverb / distortion / delay. Drums seem a little low compared to the vocals, also the guitars (or the vocals are just too loud). The overall vibe of the song reminds me of “The New Regime – We Rise, We Fall”, maybe that’s a good reference song. Use of compression is overall really good! If the vocals have to be this loud, I would look into a little tuning here and there. Happy mixing!

    • Brilliant, thx mate – noted. Had tried to create space for the synths by reducing the guitars a bit but now you mention it, yeah it’s the vocals (with the effects probably) that are too loud. Will fix!

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