Magilla by Turbosauro (FuturesPerfect Mix)

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Mix Description

Mixed by Aaron Austin at FuturesPerfect Studios. Tracks provided by All Rights Reserved.

Zakk's Mix Feedback

The kick is a little too snappy for me and the snare is a little too dark for my taste. I think if we take the snap of the kick and apply it to the snare, we’d be in a good place ?

Also, I’d love to hear some of your mixes without any master bus processing on them.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • The kick is a little too snappy for me and the snare is a little too dark for my taste. I think if we take the snap of the kick and apply it to the snare, we’d be in a good place 😉

    Also, I’d love to hear some of your mixes without any master bus processing on them.

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