Person A

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Mix Description

Another one recorded in my house. This is my friends band that I had come in to record a couple songs for free since I’m just starting out with this stuff. Definitely a mistake because I can’t get him to finish his vocals in the other song! Let me know if you have any feedback!

Mix Feedback from others:

  • Balance is great. I agree with the other comments about the boxiness. The vocal effects are great! The vocal also sounds good in general, it’s in a good spot in the mix. I’m hesitant to say this so take it with a grain of salt (As you should with everything people say) but I feel like I want to hear more guitar. Maybe it’s not level, but clarity? I don’t know, try brightening it up or giving it a slight boost and if it sounds worse what do I know lol. Anyway great job it sounds awesome and I love the vibe!

  • This is great! Especially if you are just starting out! 400-600 range is very boxy, I think if you brought the drum bus down 1.5-2 db it would clean up the mud and really distinguish this from other recordings! Great job! Looking forward to hearing more!

  • Sounds really good! Balance is excellent. Love the garage/grunge rock feel. There’s a slight bit of boxiness in the mix as a whole. Might want to check out the 400-600Hz range to try and cut that down.

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