RadioNot Empires Mixed at Massfusionstudio

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Mix Description

Good as it gets

Mix Feedback from others:

  • It’s a mixing contest and not a mastering contest. The bass guitar is boomy on certain playback systems and the high end crunchy. I’m not a mastering studio. The dimensions are there. The bottom end is there. A reputable mastering tech will polish it off. Like i said I’m not setup for mastering and only use my monitors for mixing purposes. Mastering on the same mixing monitors is really bad idea. Budget studio monitors in a non treated playback area is a train wreck for mastering

  • Mixed with a Harrison Audio workstation and an external Behringer/Midas M32 digital console. Harrison plugins used and the internal emulation within the X32. Harrison’s micro glide and vocal character plugins and deesser. Harrison expander gate across the mix and Harrison channel strip compression and limiting. Harrison Spectral compression plugin used across mix bus to glue it all together. Lexicon 480l emulation reverb used, Teletronix LA2A used on main vocals. Universal Audio 1176 used on bass guitar tracks. Waves transient designer used on kick and snare. Harrison chorus plugin used on drum over heads. Pre master was processed using the Midas Fairchild compressor emulation on master channel to smooth the energy of the chorus parts. Designed to stop record cutting machines and radio station transmitters from burning out from peaking signals, the Fairchild compressor is the holy Grail of them all

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