Stay With Me (Dream On Dreamer) by isunray

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Mix Description

This song was recorded on a mac running Catalina using Logic Pro X.

The synths are Roland System-8 and Korg Wavestate. The only additional elements are a doubled moog bass and an ARP 2600 in the chorus and bridge section.

The drums are Roland TR-8S.

This is mixed in Logic Pro X 10.5 and mastered in Ozone.

I’m looking for thoughts and comments about the mix and mastering to help me grow and develop, if you have positive things to say too that’s always nice :).

Many thanks,

Jay aka isunray

Mix Feedback from others:

  • I love all the synth sounds. Nice job.
    For the vocals, I think they are a little too forward in the mix. They also sound like they were recorded in a small room. You might have to carve out some space for them in the synths around 1.2k-3k. Also, I’d probably hi-pass them a little harder and add a longer reverb to cover up the room sound on the recording.

    Keep up the good work!

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