Recording novice here. This was recorded at home starting in GarageBand ending in Logic Pro. Drums are logic drummer. Guitar loop is me with logic pedal board. I suck at rhythm so had to fix individual note timing. Lead guitars are recorded with sm57, no DAW processing. Piano is logic, I cheated with the waterfall effect by limiting to key of the song and just running my finger over the keyboard. Bass is recorded and using one of logics preset amps. Strings are logic. Male vocal is my friend singing. Female vocal I hired off fiverr. I did the rap. Added overdrive to cover up my inabilities. Overall tried my best, watched a lot of YouTube howto videos. I think it’s ok, I of course need to learn some more. Especially on how to eq, add effects to and mix vocals. Interested in any feedback!
Love the singing vocal production. I think the vocal distortion is a little too much. If it has a mix knob I’d turn it down a little bit. When the snare first came in, I wasn’t a fan of the super wet reverb, but it was ok during the rest of the song. Maybe try automating the verb to come in later.
Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I get what you’re saying regarding the reverb. I think when the drums come in may also be too loud. I’ll give your suggestions a try.
It’s a great start. I’d like to hear the low end more pronounced and your rap vocal a little more up front. Might roll off the overall top end EQ a bit as well. I enjoyed the track!
Thanks for your feedback! I’ll have to figure out how to do those things as I’m just a novice. For low end, that would be more like EQ on the master track? I’ve also had feedback on the track maybe being a little “shrill” I need some tutorials on EQ’ing.
I can hear the shrillness a little bit, but it’s not that bad. You could try a high shelf on the master OR finding the shrill instruments and dialing back the hi end individually on their channels.