You Don’t Know by Barnstar!

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Mix Description

Mixed in Mixbus v6 with stock plugins. Interface is focusrite scarlett 18i20. Mixed ITB, files downloaded from the cambridge library. It is a rough mix and first time mixing bluegrass so I would definitely appreciate the feedback and comments! I am learning to mix a little bit of everything! Great song!

Zakk's Mix Feedback

I know anything about mixing bluegrass, but everything sounds good to me. I’d prefer the vocals be a little louder, but that’s it on my end.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • The mix itself is very good as is the material and performance. You describe this as files downloaded from the cambridge library. ???
    If I were trying this, because of the genre, I would imagine myself about 15 feet from the front of the stage/band. There’s a small PA with a nice condenser mike hanging in the middle. Actually, on second listen, that a lot like hat this sounds like so, good job I guess!

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