Nuestro Ritual (Vikingos)

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Mix Description

*Thank you for the comments*
Drums, bass and rythm guitars were recorded in a full take altogether, no click.
Voice, clean solos were recorded later. Assisted by a sound eng to mic the band.
Used cubase 5 and free plugins (variety of sound) to mix/masterization, considering future suscription for slate plugins

As guitarist and non profesional mixer, we hope to record/mix the album in the same manner (whole band full take no click) and look for assist in masterization.

Mix Feedback from others:

  • I am going echo Zakk a bit and say I like the vocals and I also think the mix is narrow, nut the guitar and soundstage DID get wider as the song went on! Was that intentional? The musicians play well, guitar is quite strong. I would strongly recommend you use a click. It is possible to set up a DAW to provide a variable click and it will help bring everything together. The one thing that stood out to me is the use of compression. Other than the vocals everything was very smashed down, especially the snare. Combined with the reverb and image, the whole mix sounds very distant and harsh.

    I like the music and I think you have enormous potential as a band!

  • The vocals sound really good. I like the way they are EQ’d and balanced. I think everything else is struggling. For a rock mix, it’s really narrow: I’d pan the guitars hard right and left.

  • You play well, but the record and the mix ingess are very important to rule from the beginning. Here it is necessary to process every instrument, to arrange a panorama. You can hear it all. You need to mix the drums, the vocals….

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